Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

Louis P. DiPalma

Louis P. DiPalma is a Democratic member of the Rhode Island State Senate, representing District 12. He was first elected to the chamber in 2008.

Current Position: 
Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Tiverton
1 (401) 847-8540
GA Session: 

Bills Co-Sponsored

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28
Senate Bill # Bill Yearsort ascending Title ECRI Position
2687 2022 Stops Incentivizing Gas Hookups Support
2044 2022 No PFAS in Food Packaging Support
2296 2022 Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Support
2298 2022 PFAS – Water Standards & Testing Support
2447 2022 PFAS – Industrial Property Remediation & Reuse Support
2301 2022 Net Metering – Prior Use & Credits Support
2392 2022 Energy Facility Siting Act (Revises EFSA and EFSB) Oppose
2449 2022 Comprehensive PFAS Ban Act 2022 Support
2448 2022 Electric Transportation Act Support
0629 2021 Renewable Energy Standard Support
0155 2021 Single-Use Plastic Straws Support
0474 2021 Prohibit Solar Project Co-location Support
0172 2021 Public Trust Designation for Municipal Lands Support
2469 2020 Creating a New Park or Conservation Land SupportSupport
2365 2020 State Fleet Electrification Support
0202 2019 "Ask First" Plastic Straw Bill Support
2652 2018 Net Metering
2116 2018 The Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling and Exploration Activities Control Act Support
2239 2018 RI Municipal Infrastructure Grant Program SupportSupport
2499 2018 Energy Efficiency Cap Legislation OpposeOppose
2500 2018 Energy Efficiency Study Bill Neutral
2652 2018 Biomass fuels eligible for net metering OpposeOppose
0733 2015 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Support
2202 2014 Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Incentive Support
2197 2014 Eliminating sales tax for electric vehicles Support
2027 2014 Reducing State Gasoline Tax Oppose
2213 2014 Renewable Energy Tax Credit Support
0406 2013 Marine Debris Act Support
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