General Bill Info
Legislative Topic:
Land and Forest
Bill Year:
Brief Bill Description:
Creates a voluntary mechanism for municipalities to use to dedicate a park, conservation or other land they own as public trust land in perpetuity to protect and preserve its future use.
Legislative Activity Type:
House Info
House Bill #:
Rep Lead Sponsor:
House Committee Assignment:
Current House Bill Status:
House Bill Status Report:
01/29/2021 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government & Housing
02/18/2021 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/25/2021)
02/25/2021 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
06/14/2021 Scheduled for consideration (06/17/2021)
06/17/2021 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
06/18/2021 Scheduled for consideration (06/21/2021)
06/19/2021 Proposed Substitute
06/21/2021 Committee recommends passage of Sub A
06/21/2021 Placed on House Calendar (06/23/2021)
06/23/2021 House passed Sub A
06/26/2021 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (06/29/2021)
06/29/2021 Senate passed Sub A in concurrence
06/30/2021 Transmitted to Governor
07/03/2021 Signed by Governor
Senate Info
Senate Bill #:
Senate Lead Sponsor:
Sen Co-Sponsor:
Senate Committee Assignment:
Current Senate Bill Status:
Senate Bill Status Report:
02/05/2021 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government
03/19/2021 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/25/2021)
03/25/2021 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
05/21/2021 Scheduled for consideration
05/24/2021 Meeting postponed (05/27/2021)
05/28/2021 Scheduled for consideration (06/03/2021)
06/02/2021 Proposed Substitute
06/03/2021 Committee recommends passage of Sub A
06/04/2021 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/08/2021)
06/08/2021 Senate passed Sub A
06/10/2021 Referred to House Municipal Government & Housing
06/19/2021 Scheduled for consideration (06/21/2021)
06/21/2021 Committee recommends passage of Sub A in concurrence
06/26/2021 Placed on the House Consent Calendar (06/28/2021)
06/28/2021 House passed Sub A in concurrence
06/30/2021 Transmitted to Governor
07/03/2021 Signed by Governor
ECRI Position
Legislative Agenda