Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

ECRI Resolutions

Resolution Title Pub Datesort ascending
Resolution on Kennedy Plaza 2020
No New Fossil Fuel Facilities 2019
Statement on Proposed Fields Point LNG Terminal 2016
Resolution Regarding Land-Based Wind Power Siting 2010
In Support of the Development of Renewable Energy 2010
Resolution on Protection of State-Owned Public Land 2010
In Support of Publicly Funded Elections 2007
DEM Bond for Local Recreation 2006
DEM Bond for Fort Adams State Park 2006
Bond Issue for Roger Williams Park Zoo 2006
US Dept of Peace & Nonviolence 2006
NWF Resolution Concerning Solid Waste 2005
Environmental Protection from Industrial Laundries 2004
Ban Routine Use of Antibiotics in Animal Feed 2004
Privatization of Public Water Supplies and Systems 2003
Prevention of Genetically Engineered Organisms 2003
Water Conservation Ordinances 2002
Establishment of Marine Protected Areas in RI Waters 2002
India Point Park Protection and Expansion 2001
International Walk to School Day 2001
Improved Urban and Community Tree Care 2001
Mercury Reduction and Elimination 2001
Integrated Pest Management for RI Schools 2001
NBC Fiscal Accountability and Rate Structure 2001
Cabinet Nominees for Attorney General, Secretaries of Interior and Energy 2001
Quonset Point Development Process 2000
Federal Support for Renewable Energy 2000
Clean Water Bond Passage 2000
Public Trust Lands 2000
Policy Position on "Takings" 2000
Dioxin Remediation for Rivers Restoration 1999
Coastal Habitat Restoration 1999
Cleanup of New England Power Plants 1998
Quonset Point / Davisville Development 1998
RI Supreme Court Advisory Opinion on Separation of Powers 1998
Global Warming 1998
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