General Bill Info
Legislative Topic:
Bill Year:
Brief Bill Description:
Repeals the expiration provisions that major facility projects or other public improvements comply with green building standards, thereby requiring major facility projects of state agencies to be constructed to LEED standards.
Legislative Activity Type:
House Info
House Bill #:
Rep Lead Sponsor:
Rep Co-Sponsor:
House Committee Assignment:
Current House Bill Status:
House Bill Status Report:
02/24/2021 Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources
03/12/2021 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/18/2021)
03/18/2021 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
06/27/2021 Scheduled for consideration (06/29/2021)
06/29/2021 Committee recommends passage
06/29/2021 Placed on House Calendar (06/30/2021)
06/30/2021 House read and passed
Senate Info
Senate Bill #:
Senate Lead Sponsor:
Senate Committee Assignment:
Current Senate Bill Status:
Held for further study
Senate Bill Status Report:
04/01/2021 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance
04/23/2021 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/29/2021)
04/29/2021 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
ECRI Position
Legislative Agenda