General Bill Info
House Info
House Bill #:
Rep Lead Sponsor:
Rep Co-Sponsor:
House Committee Assignment:
Current House Bill Status:
Held For Further Study
House Bill Status Report:
02/24/2021 Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources
03/05/2021 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/11/2021)
03/11/2021 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Senate Info
Senate Bill #:
Senate Lead Sponsor:
Sen Co-Sponsor:
Senate Committee Assignment:
Current Senate Bill Status:
Passed Senate - Sent to House
Senate Bill Status Report:
03/17/2021 Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce
04/02/2021 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/08/2021)
04/08/2021 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
05/24/2021 Scheduled for consideration (05/27/2021)
05/26/2021 Proposed Substitute
05/27/2021 Committee recommends passage of Sub A
05/28/2021 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/01/2021)
06/01/2021 Senate passed Sub A
06/02/2021 Referred to House Corporations
ECRI Position
Legislative Priority