Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

About ECRI Calendar

In the fall of 2012, ECRI is transitioning to a more automated and efficient system for distributing event information and news. We will work out kinks in the system and are open to suggestions, but the NEWS DELIVERY SYSTEM will include enabling members to have editor accounts within the new website (just ask to be a beta tester!). It will also depend on EVENT planners' entering their own event information into the ADD EVENT FORM.

COLLABORATION and PROACTIVENESS are key to our success in streamlining our processes!

The email sent on Mondays by the ECRI office called "ECRI Calendar" -- and the other emails sent during the week -- will be replaced by

  • Emails generated out of the online calendar system with ECRI-mission-related events to help members
    • Collaborate
    • Keep track of relevant public meetings
    • Know about ECRI-sponsored meetings
  • Emails generated by the new website about announcements of
    • grant opportunities
    • news related to ECRI priorities
    • conference registrations
    • job announcements
    • etc.

In short, almost everything that was in the Monday "ECRI Calendar" email will still come to you by email, but you will also find all of it easily in the new website.


  • Most ECRI-member events --These are on their own page now. If your organization's events are not listed, use the ADD EVENT form if you are a member, or Join ECRI! Also note that you can subscribe to this Calendar separately if you like. See the tools above the ECRI Member Events Calendar. They look like this:
  • Date-related opportunities are now in the Opportunities Calendar, and the rest of the announcements are now on the News page. There is a scrolling feed of both announcements and opportunities on all the website pages, so get in the habit of checking the ECRI website to keep in the know! Use the automated emails as a reminder to check the ECRI website.
  • Repetitive copy-and-pasted listings of non-member events -- all events are now all in What Grows On in Rhode Island if your organization has used the ADD EVENT forms either on the ECRI website or on What Grows On in Rhode Island. Encourage everyone to use this resource which automatically redistributes calendars to other websites and Twitter. The more we collaborate through this system, the more Rhode Islanders we will reach.
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