Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

June S. Speakman

Rep. June S. Speakman was formally sworn in to the House of Representatives on March 13, 2019 after a special election on March 5th and won reelection in 2020.

Current Position: 
Bristol, Warren
1 (401) 258-1134
GA Session: 

Bills Sponsored

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Enter the bill years to see the total for a session

Bills Co-Sponsored

Displaying 1 - 31 of 31
House Bill # Bill Yearsort ascending Title ECRI Position
7129 2022 Restricting Neonicotinoids Support
7611 2022 EC4 EJ Advisory Board Support
7275 2022 Climate Literacy Act Support
7755 2022 Clean Energy Workforce Commission Support
7438 2022 No PFAS in Food Packaging Support
7850 2022 Green Buildings Act #2 Support
8036 2022 The Environmental Justice Act Support
7851 2022 Greenhouse Gas Pollution Standards Support
7277 2022 100% Renewable Electricity by 2030 Support
7278 2022 Green Buildings Act Expansion Support
7279 2022 Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Support
7336 2022 EFSA Requires GHG Consideration Support
7378 2022 Bottle Deposit Required .10 + .04 Support
7065 2022 Plastic Checkout Bag Ban Support
7436 2022 Comprehensive PFAS Ban Act 2022 Support
7112 2022 Parking Facilities - EV Charging Stations Support
7653 2022 Electric Transportation Act Support
5358 2021 Plastic Waste Reduction Act Support
5641 2021 Neonicotinoid Pesticide Regulation Support
5356 2021 PFAS in Food Packaging Support
5923 2021 High Heat Waste Facility Prohibition Support
5445 2021 Act On Climate Support
5625 2021 Climate Literacy Act Support
5376 2021 Helium Balloons Support
5280 2021 Beverage Container Deposit Recycling Act Of 2021 Support
7261 2020 Prohibited Release of Balloons Support
7348 2020 Creating a New Park or Conservation Land Support
7611 2020 Bottle Bill – 5¢ Deposit on Bottles
7307 2020 Prohibition of PFAS in Food Packaging Act Support
7471 2020 Climate Crisis Curriculum Support
7425 2020 Neonicotinoid Ban Support
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