Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

David A. Bennett

David A. Bennett has served District 20 in Warwick since first being elected in November 2010.

Current Position: 
Cranston, Warwick
1 (401) 480-4647
GA Session: 

Bills Sponsored

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
Enter the bill years to see the total for a session

Bills Co-Sponsored

Displaying 1 - 47 of 47
House Bill # Bill Yearsort ascending Title ECRI Position
7277 2022 100% Renewable Electricity by 2030 Support
8055 2022 Defines high tide line re public access Support
7278 2022 Green Buildings Act Expansion Support
7233 2022 PFAS – Water Standards & Testing Support
7234 2022 PFAS – Industrial Property Remediation & Reuse Support
7439 2022 Prohibits Canned Hunting (Slater) Support
7336 2022 EFSA Requires GHG Consideration Support
7378 2022 Bottle Deposit Required .10 + .04 Support
7436 2022 Comprehensive PFAS Ban Act 2022 Support
7611 2022 EC4 EJ Advisory Board Support
7129 2022 Restricting Neonicotinoids Support
7851 2022 Greenhouse Gas Pollution Standards Support
7275 2022 Climate Literacy Act Support
8153 2022 Lead Poisoning Prevention Act Support
6144 2021 Energy Efficiency - Least Cost Procurement Support
5358 2021 Plastic Waste Reduction Act Support
5641 2021 Neonicotinoid Pesticide Regulation Support
5356 2021 PFAS in Food Packaging Support
5923 2021 High Heat Waste Facility Prohibition Support
5376 2021 Helium Balloons Support
5523 2021 PFAS In Drinking Water, Groundwater And Surface Waters Support
5280 2021 Beverage Container Deposit Recycling Act Of 2021 Support
5966 2021 Appliance Efficiency Standards Act of 2021 Support
6310 2021 Transportation Emission and Mobile (TEAM) Community Act Support
7676 2020 Open Space Bond Resolution Support
7165 2020 Ocean State Climate Adaptation Fund (OSCAR) SupportSupport
7611 2020 Bottle Bill – 5¢ Deposit on Bottles
7471 2020 Climate Crisis Curriculum Support
7245 2020 Conservation and Preservation Restrictions on Real Property Support
7425 2020 Neonicotinoid Ban Support
7426 2020 RI Energy Resources Act: Solar Siting Support
7331 2020 RI Cesspool Act of 2007 – Extended
7261 2020 Prohibited Release of Balloons Support
7866 2020 Energy & Water Efficiency Standards Support
7217 2020 Residential Solar Energy Bill of Rights Support
7306 2020 Plastic Waste Reduction Act Support
7280 2020 Community Remote Net Metering Expansion
7399 2020 Resilient RI Act of 2014 - Act on Climate 2020 Support
5813 2019 Woodland Preservation & Stewardship Act Support
5826 2019 Personal Care Products Disclosure Support
7808 2018 Energy Efficiency Cap Legislation OpposeOppose
7325 2016 Clean Energy Investment and Carbon Pricing Act Support
7196 2016 Court Review Standards for Proposed Amendments to Conservation Easements Support
7329 2016 RIPTA authority appointment Support
7093 2014 GMO labeling
7803 2014 State Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs - Minimum Funding Requirement Support
5633 2013 Community Preservation Act Support