Tipping Fees
Increases the Resource Recovery Corporation's tipping fee from $3 to $5 per vehicle, to be paid to the town of Johnston on a biannual basis.
Increases the Resource Recovery Corporation's tipping fee from $3 to $5 per vehicle, to be paid to the town of Johnston on a biannual basis.
Enlarges and changes the composition of the membership of the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation.
S0406 Sub A
To reduce the amount of post-consumer packaging that ends up as marine and beach debris.
Advisory Committee Review Powerpoint Presentation dated May 21, 2013. Michael O'Connell, Executive Director of RI Resource Recovery Corporation, presented this at the Annual Meeting of ECRI, June 10, 2013.
This act would allow the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation to use non-hazardous contaminated soils, free of solid waste, and originating out-of-state as daily cover material at its facility.
This act would allow any resource recovery system or facility made available by the corporation to use glass as a material to cover compacted solid waste at a sanitary landfill.
This act would establish a plan for the gradual ban on the use of disposable plastic checkout bags by retail establishments.
This act would establish the procedure for the recycling, reuse and disposal of mattresses.
This act would require hospitals and pharmacies to provide sharps containers for public use.
Eliminates the prohibition of incinerating solid waste from the statewide solid waste management plan, would allow non-hazardous contaminated soils originating out of state for use on site as daily cover material, and would allow glass to be used as cover material. This act would take effect upon passage.