Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy


Resolution on Kennedy Plaza

Whereas, the Governor and the RI Department of Transportation are actively promoting a "multi-hub" plan to break up the central bus hub at Kennedy Plaza and send most of the buses and passengers to a more remote location off Dyer St where almost none of the riders want to go, thus making the bus system more confusing and less convenient to use; 

RI Transit RIders

RI Transit Riders is an independent grassroots group that has come together to preserve, expand, and improve public transportation in Rhode Island. We stand on the principle that access to safe and reliable transportation is a basic right, and we have been forced into the position where we must fight to keep it.

Access To Public Transportation

This act would require the state properties committee to consider access to public transportation when selecting a site for a public facility and to state specific reasons for the lack of accessibility when they select a site less than one-half (.5) mile from public transportation. The act would also require the committee prepare an annual report to the general assembly to monitor compliance.

Leg Agenda/Priority: 
Legislative Agenda
ECRI Pro/Con: 

2011-2012 Green Report Card

The latest Green Report Card highlights an unfocused RI General Assembly with a "B-"

The Environment Council of Rhode Island (ECRI) biennial Green Report Card highlights critical environmental issues that were considered by the General Assembly during the 2011 and 2012 legislative sessions.  State lawmakers were graded on 14 pieces of legislation that covered a broad host of affairs, ranging from matters on clean water, to state energy policies.

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