General Bill Info
Proposes to increase penalities for people who cut trees, steal stone walls, or otherwise intentionally damage protected open space lands. Current penalties are little more than a hand slap and are not a strong deterrent to keep people from damaging open space lands. This legislation is based on effective legislation in CT.
House Info
02/12/2016 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary
02/26/2016 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/02/2016)
03/02/2016 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
05/06/2016 Scheduled for consideration (05/10/2016)
05/10/2016 Committee recommends passage of Sub A
05/20/2016 Placed on House Calendar (06/01/2016)
06/01/2016 House passed Sub A as amended (floor amendment)
06/02/2016 Referred to Senate Judiciary