General Bill Info
Legislative Topic:
Bill Year:
Brief Bill Description:
This bill imposes a $15 per ton of carbon dioxide fee on all fossil fuels at their point of entry into Rhode Island. The fee would then increase by $5 per year. This fee will generate approximately 150 million dollars in revenue in the first year (2016) and will increase by approximately 50 million dollars in each succeeding year. The revenues can be used to generate direct rebates to individuals and business, to capitalize the anticipated green bank, or to fund renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other carbon reducing strategies.
Link(s) to Bill text pdfs:
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Senate Info
Senate Bill #:
Senate Lead Sponsor:
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Current Senate Bill Status:
Senate Bill Status Report:
02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance 04/03/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request
ECRI Position
Legislative Agenda