Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

William J. Conley

William J. Conley Jr. is a Democratic member of the Rhode Island State Senate, representing District 18. He was first elected to the chamber in 2012.

Current Position: 
Former Senator
1 (401) 438-1924
GA Session: 

Bills Sponsored

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

Bills Co-Sponsored

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29
Senate Bill # Bill Yearsort ascending Title ECRI Position
2108 2020 Economic & Climate Resilience Act of 2020 Support
2165 2020 Resilient RI Act of 2014 - Act on Climate 2020 Support
2403 2020 Neonicotinoid Ban Support
2192 2020 Energy Facility Siting Regulation
2111 2020 Idling Support
2109 2020 Community Remote Net Metering Expansion
2640 2020 Creating a New Water Resources Board
2195 2020 Adds "Cigarette Butts" to the Definition of "Litter" Support
2404 2020 100% Renewable Energy Standard Support
2636 2020 Prohibits Polystyrene Food Packaging Support
0661 2019 RI Energy Resources Act: Solar Siting Support
0662 2019 Economic & Climate Resilience Act Of 2019 Support
0658 2019 RI Global Warming Solutions Act Support
0663 2019 Woodland Preservation & Stewardship Act Support
2360 2018 Resolution Opposing President Trump's Offshore Drilling Proposal Support
2803 2018 NBC Water Bill Oppose
2185 2016 Renewable Energy Standard (2016) Support
2095 2016 Mercury Reduction and Education Act Support
2718 2016 Increases Penalties for Intentionally Damaging Protected Land Support
2181 2016 Expanding The Renewable Energy Growth Program Support
0733 2015 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Support
0089 2015 Renewable Energy Standard Support
0608 2015 Mercury Reduction & Education Act Support
0369 2015 RI Cesspool Act Of 2007 Support
2315 2014 Food Residuals Recycling Initiative Support
2314 2014 Plastic Waste Reduction Support
2436 2014 Requiring Composting of Food Scraps by Certain Large Businesses Support
2690 2014 Distributed Generation Support
2434 2014 Waste Hauler Licensing Support
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