Environment Council of Rhode Island

...building an ecologically healthy future in a sustainable economy

Arthur Handy

Arthur Handy (D) represents District 18, Cranston. He was first elected in November 2002. Representative Handy was named a Deputy Majority Leader in January 2021.

Current Position: 
1 (401) 785-8996
GA Session: 

Bills Sponsored

Displaying 1 - 30 of 30
Enter the bill years to see the total for a session
House Bill # Bill Yearsort ascending Title ECRI Position
7971 2022 Affordable Clean Energy Act Support
7788 2022 Mercury reduction (no CFLs, etc.) Support
5966 2021 Appliance Efficiency Standards Act of 2021 Support
7866 2020 Energy & Water Efficiency Standards Support
5813 2019 Woodland Preservation & Stewardship Act Support
8138 2018 Pollinator Working Group Support
7978 2018 Right of Footway Support
7793 2018 Renewable Energy Siting Bill Neutral
7827 2018 Global Warming Solutions Act Support
7828 2018 The Energy & Consumer Savings Act of 2005 Support
8266 2016 Mercury Reduction and Education Act Support
5671 2015 Mercury Reduction & Education Act Support
5673 2015 Task force to review EPR programs (RI Regulatory Reform Act) Support
5755 2015 Responsible Recycling, Reuse, and Disposal of Mattresses Act
5962 2015 Wetlands and Buffers Support
5904 2015 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Support
7803 2014 State Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs - Minimum Funding Requirement Support
7904 2014 Resilient Rhode Island Act of 2014 Support
7825 2014 Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Incentive Support
7884 2014 Eliminating sales tax for electric vehicles Support
7838 2014 Non-toxic Ammunition Support
5799 2013 Producer Responsibility For Recycling, Reuse and Disposal of Mattresses Support
6018 2013 Distributed Generation - Hydro Quebec Oppose
5810 2013 Mandating $600,000 Toward Lead Prevention Support
5802 2013 Biodiesel Heating Oil Act
6019 2013 PACE Legislation Support
5800 2013 Expanding Energy and Consumer Savings Act of 2005
5812 2013 Implementation Of The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Act Support
5801 2013 RI Energy Independence and Climate Solutions Act Support
5244 2013 Wood Stove Phase-out Support

Bills Co-Sponsored

Displaying 1 - 52 of 52
House Bill # Bill Yearsort ascending Title ECRI Position
7436 2022 Comprehensive PFAS Ban Act 2022 Support
7530 2022 LIHEAP With Tiered Enhancement Support
8055 2022 Defines high tide line re public access Support
7277 2022 100% Renewable Electricity by 2030 Support
7333 2022 Net Metering – Prior Use & Credits Support
7336 2022 EFSA Requires GHG Consideration Support
5762 2021 Renewable Energy Standard Support
6144 2021 Energy Efficiency - Least Cost Procurement Support
5760 2021 Forest Conservation Act Support
5923 2021 High Heat Waste Facility Prohibition Support
5376 2021 Helium Balloons Support
5919 2021 Green Buildings Act Amendments Support
6310 2021 Transportation Emission and Mobile (TEAM) Community Act Support
7163 2020 "Ask First" Plastic Straw Bill Support
7164 2020 No Styrofoam in Food Service Containers Support
7165 2020 Ocean State Climate Adaptation Fund (OSCAR) SupportSupport
7110 2020 Non-Regulated Power Producer Consumer Bill of Rights Support
5789 2019 RI Energy Resources Act: Solar Siting Support
5671 2019 Plastic Bag Bill Support
5869 2019 Economic & Climate Resilience Act Of 2019 Support
5444 2019 RI Global Warming Solutions Act Support
5314 2019 "Ask First" Plastic Straw Bill Support
7400 2018 Energize Rhode Island: Clean Energy Investment and Carbon Pricing Act Support
7851 2018 Plastic Waste Reduction Act SupportSupport
7732 2018 Prohibition of PFAS in Food Packaging Act Support
5274 2017 Renewable Energy Growth Program Extension Support
5369 2017 Energize Rhode Island: Clean Energy Investment and Carbon Pricing Act of 2017 Support
5808 2017 Climate Change Coastal Adaptation Trust Fund Support
5082 2017 Flame Retardants in Furniture and Children's Products Support
7325 2016 Clean Energy Investment and Carbon Pricing Act Support
7514 2016 Relating To Public Utilities & Carriers - Public Utilities Commission Support
7473 2016 Expanding The Renewable Energy Growth Program Support
7896 2016 Producer Responsibility for Packaging
8240 2016 Energy Facility Siting Board Support
5079 2015 Renewable Energy Standard Support
5668 2015 RI Cesspool Act Of 2007 Support
7727 2014 Distributed Generation Support
7724 2014 Cesspool phaseout Support
7720 2014 Waste Hauler Licensing Support
7033 2014 Food Residuals Recycling Initiative Support
7093 2014 GMO labeling
7178 2014 Plastic Waste Reduction Support
7179 2014 Medical Waste Management and Disposal
7083 2014 Renewable Energy Tax Credit Support
5116 2013 Renewable Energy Tax Credit Support
5535 2013 Dam Inspection Protocol Support
5953 2013 Placement of Renewable Energy Facilities
5264 2013 Marine Debris Act Support
5677 2013 Expedited Citation Process for Alleged DEM Noncompliance
5073 2013 Public Transit Investment Support
5732 2013 Cesspool Removal & Replacement Support
5386 2013 Restricting the Use of Eminent Domain over Conservation Land Support
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