2013 Ballot Question 5 Voter Information: Clean Water Finance Agency
SOURCE: RI Voter Information Handbook 2012, from RI Secretary of the State
SOURCE: RI Voter Information Handbook 2012, from RI Secretary of the State
Launched a comprehensive sustainability program to include a 3-acre solar photovoltaic farm generating 625 MWH/year. Other programs have saved 8.8 million gallons of water and 5.7 billion BTU's of energy.
The Coventry High School Pawtuxet River Water Quality Study teaches high school students concepts of math, science and civic responsibility in a hands-on river classroom. The students' collection of river data for environmental analysis has measurable benefits not just to the students but to the Pawtuxet River Authority and its efforts to study and improve the water quality of the river.
To restore, enhance and preserve the physical, historical and cultural integrity of the Blackstone River, its watershed and its eco-system, through public advocacy, education, recreation, stewardship and the promotion of our unique Blackstone Valley resource.
Please Like our Facebook page at Blackstone River Watershed Council.
The goals of Clean Water Action are clean, safe, and affordable water, clean up of toxic waste and aiding in the solid waste crisis of composting and recycling in market development.
Conservation Law Foundation forges lasting solutions to environmental challenges for the people of New England.
Friends of the Pawtuxet is a group of concerned citizens who promote the health of the Pawtuxet River as a valuable resource and encourage its responsible recreational use.
The purposes of the Audubon Society of RI are to foster conservation of wild birds and other animal and plant life; to conserve wildlife habitat and unique natural areas through acquisition or other means; to carry out a broad program of public conservation education; to focus public attention on natural resource problems; to provide leadership when action on natural resource problems is necessary, and to do all other things necessary to foster better management of the natural environment for the benefit of humans and all other life.
The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association is a non-profit organization, created to provide a forum for recreational saltwater anglers; to provide education to members concerning fishing techniques, improved catches, and overall enjoyment of fishing; to foster sportsmanship; to support marine conservation and sound management of fisheries resources; and provide a unified voice to preserve and protect the rights, traditions and the future of recreational fishing in Rhode Island
The Mission of Save The Bay is to ensure that the environmental qualtiy of Narragansett Bay and its watershed is restored and protected from the harmful effects of human activity. Save The Bay seeks carefully planned use of the Bay and it's watershed to allow the natural system to function normally and healthfully, both now and for the future.