General Bill Info
Legislative Topic:
Environmental Justice
Bill Year:
Brief Bill Description:
Establishes the first Green Justice Zone, a model that may be replicated in future years to ensure that all communities throughout the state have clean air and clean water.
Legislative Activity Type:
House Info
House Bill #:
Rep Lead Sponsor:
House Committee Assignment:
Current House Bill Status:
Held For Further Study
House Bill Status Report:
02/24/2021 Introduced, referred to House Finance
05/21/2021 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/25/2021)
05/25/2021 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
Senate Info
Senate Bill #:
Senate Lead Sponsor:
Sen Co-Sponsor:
Senate Committee Assignment:
Current Senate Bill Status:
Held for further study
Senate Bill Status Report:
03/04/2021 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
03/11/2021 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/15/2021)
03/15/2021 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
ECRI Position
Legislative Agenda